Meet the new Yaesu FTDX10

In a notable advancement for the Roseland Amateur Radio Club, Ron R. (WV2RJR) and Jim M. (KC2SKK) achieved a significant milestone on January 29, 2024, successfully initiating the club’s first transmissions using the newly acquired Yaesu FTDX10 radio. The duo, known for their dedication to Roseland ARC, meticulously reviewed the operating manual to ensure a smooth operation. This careful preparation was underscored by prior experience with a similar model, the Yaesu FT-710, which shares many features in its display and setup.

The pair’s efforts were concentrated on the 40 and 80-meter bands, a range well-suited for amateur radio communications. Their endeavor paid off when they established two contacts on the 40-meter band at noon. These contacts spanned a considerable distance, reaching operators in Eastern Pennsylvania and the Upper Northwest of New York State. The Pennsylvania contact, particularly notable for its clarity, registered at 20dB over 9. However, it was suggested that some adjustments were needed, as the low-frequency tones were discernibly bass-heavy.

Ron and Jim plan to continue refining the radio’s performance, aiming to make it more user-friendly for all members of the club. This commitment to continuous learning and improvement is a hallmark of their approach to amateur radio.

Furthermore, the duo is already looking ahead, discussing the potential acquisition of an antenna capable of operating in the 20 to 10-meter bands. This topic is slated for more in-depth discussion at the club’s upcoming meeting, indicating a forward-thinking approach to expanding their radio communication capabilities.