About Us

Roseland Amateur Radio Club

Roseland Amateur Radio Club History


Welcome to the Roseland Amateur Radio Club, located in the borough of Roseland, Essex County, New Jersey.

We are delighted to extend a warm invitation to you to explore our club, a diverse gathering of individuals united by our passion for amateur radio. As an American Radio Relay League (ARRL) affiliated club, our membership proudly spans the spectrum from Technician to General and Amateur Extra class license holders. Our commitment to the growth and development of our community is reflected in our mentoring programs, where we provide comprehensive guidance and tutoring to those aspiring to attain their Technician and General license exams.

The Roseland Amateur Radio Club has been a part of the community for over 75 years, originating in the post-World War II era when it was founded by Doc Schwalbe. The club has been a consistent presence, offering its services to the community ever since.

In 1958, the Roseland Club affiliated itself with the ARRL, marking our commitment to the world of amateur radio and the values it represents. This relationship has been carefully maintained over the years.

The year 2015 was a pivotal point in our club’s history, as we renewed our commitment to serving the community through emergency communications. This initiative also brought together individuals with a shared interest in ham radio, community service, communications, electronics, and digital technology, solidifying the bond among club members.

In addition to our educational endeavors, we are honored to lend our skills in service of our local community. Each year, we volunteer our time and expertise to facilitate public service communications for charity runs in the Essex County, NJ area, further solidifying our role as an integral part of the community fabric.

We warmly invite you to join us at one of our upcoming meetings to learn more about the world of amateur radio and how you can get involved in this rewarding hobby.

Stay tuned for more insights into our club’s history and the significant moments that have shaped our journey.

In-person Meetings:
The Roseland Office of Emergency Management
300 Eagle Rock Avenue, Roseland, NJ 07068-1719

Join us via Skype: https://join.skype.com/bwOH2R0SFyIR
guests and new members are always welcome!

Please check our club calendar to verify our next in-person meeting date.

Join our Google Group to participate in the club e-mail distribution list.

Weekly Club Net:
146.595 (+1.0 MHz), 100.0 Hz
░▒Echolink: KC2NJ-R▒░
7 PM ET Tuesdays, open to all.

We thank and honor Doctor Alvin Friedland, NE2S; George Murillo Jr., W2PQC; the St. Barnabas Amateur Radio Club & St. Barnabas Control Operators for their contributions to Amateur Radio and for the use of this repeater.

The Saint Barnabas Amateur Radio Club, composed of physicians, technicians and several teenagers, responded to roadside illnesses and auto accidents, and maintained a communications facility for emergencies at Saint Barnabas. Members shown here include, front, Louis Victor, and Michael and Emily Bahler; and rear, Jack Clark, Dan Keesee, M.D., Steven Victor, M.D., Alan Bahler, M.D., Dwight Sloehler, Howard Eisenhardt, M.D., Fred Jacobs, M.D., George Murillo, and Alvln Friedland, M.D.

SBARC - August 1984

Club Officers:

Position Name Call Sign
President Ronald J. Reinhardt WV2RJR
Vice President Walter G. Mellish KC2KZJ
Secretary Stephen F. Modica KC2PNZ
Treasurer Jim Mesterhazy KC2SKK

Email Contact: roselandarc@gmail.com

Roseland Legacy Event Photos

Doc Schwalbe

K2GQ - Doc Schwalbe